About Plusblogger™

Plusblogger™ consultants are proud to hold memberships with various professional bodies:

We believe the internet is for everybody and it’s a great place for testing new ideas …

As your consultant ultimately our role is to publish your content and enable you to publish your own content. What you publish is absolutely your responsibility. We aren’t here to pass moral judgement over your industry or your clients and are pleased to provide our expertise for your legal business activities.

We believe the internet is for everybody and it’s for these reasons that we are happy to support clients from all types of industries. We publish information packs targeted at specific groups such as Gold Coast businesses and the Adult Services industry.

We believe in simple web solutions that appeal to the widest possible audience ...

Our design philosophy ensures that websites are developed to observe a “lowest common denominator” of end-user variables, including:
  • User platform (PC or Mac)
  • Browser type (Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, Netscape, Opera)
  • Screen resolution (minimum size 800x600)
  • Screen size (minimum size 12”)
  • Colour settings (use of web safe colours)
  • Ease of use (simple, recognisable interfaces)
  • Fast download times (sites load in a reasonable period of time over a dial-up connection)
  • Simplified maintenance (templates and style sheets are always used, no higher order programming expertise applied)
We develop pages using HTML , XML, CSS programming and, wherever possible, minimal JavaScript programming. We specifically do not apply any higher order programming skills to the development of pages so that they remain transferable and can be easily maintained by our clients and/or their employees. Importantly, visitors to sites that we build do not need to install additional third party software to view websites.

We believe in making decisions about website development, based on fact …

We install analytic tracking codes on all the websites that we build so we know what equipment and software visitors are using and we look at this data when advising our clients about development.

We don’t believe in design for design’s sake ...

When developing custom graphics, we use standard design packages and always seek to provide graphic solutions that are simple, effective and maintainable.
Our preferred software includes:
  • Corel Draw
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe Flash
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Picasa from Google

We believe you should work in partnership with professionals to build a website for your business and if you choose, you should be able to maintain your website through that same partnership.

These are our customer service standards -
  • All support enquiries are responded to within 24 hours
  • Information and advice is always readily available and we will always empower our clients to make responsible buying decisions
  • We will always advise our clients of cost effective and realistic methods. We believe in leveraging off the developments of some great companies like ‘Google’ and ‘Microsoft’ to build highly functional websites and to ensure our clients have access to the widest possible support networks. Very rarely will we advise a client to undertake custom development
  • All clients are to be 100% satisfied with any solution we provide. Any issues that compromise this level of satisfaction are resolved as a priority
  • If our clients ever need to retain the services of another provider for the production of web or print based materials we will make recommendations and provide advice and electronic files wherever possible
  • We will ensure our clients take full ownership of their intellectual property through issuing handover documents and electronic files